July 17th - 23rd, 2023

An intense week awaits you Capricorn, especially with your focus on your family & private life. You might have had serious issues to deal with regards to your loved ones. Past is resurfacing and brining up painful memories, even repeating patterns that are becoming more and more intense. So, if you have been ignoring any toxic behaviors or cycles (both from others & yourself), this week, although the tension is brewing underneath, you will be able to sense the tremors it is about to bring to the surface sooner or later. Being completely honest with the people, places and patterns that you will have to let go of will be extremely important for both your karmic path and others, since otherwise, the coming astrological climate will shake things further, until what needs to be let go of, no longer can be sustained even by your strong will. 

Speaking of which, your ambitions are calling you and you are inspired to take action now more than ever. But, you might still be experiencing external blockages and delays in your plans causing extreme restlessness, not to mention anxiety. You might be feeling unready with the preparations or changes you are supposed to make. Your insecurities may be bringing up fears about past mistakes & failures. Your optimism might also be low, making you question your capabilities. But, you are also confident about your purpose and goals, so you are fighting the good fight against all odds. 

Your admirable inner strength is helping you stand strong in your convictions. You have come a long way on your life path, Capricorn, with incredible self-growth & progress on your spiritual journey. You are starting to find your true power and gaining more control over your life after a prolonged chaotic phase. You are now more focused on building a stronger foundation in all areas of your life, especially that of emotional & financial stability. Through wonderful & trustworthy people in your life, you will be able to find peace and harmony again. So this week, be as patient with yourself as possible, since when you have done all the hard work with honesty, you can be assured to get great rewards in due time, delays & detours are just tests of faith.

Tags: AstrologyCapricornCapricorn HoroscopeGeneralHoroscopes 2023July HoroscopesWeekly HoroscopeWeekly Horoscope 2023

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