July 17th - 23rd, 2023

Your focus this week will be on your private life. Taurus, you have the biggest heart for your family and loved ones, your commitment to them is always imminent, but lately you might have been at odds with some of your closest confidants. You are more motivated to find harmony at your home, but it might be getting harder to keep the peace with minor arguments or misunderstandings. Although, you are still insistent about giving this your all, you will have to be a little careful not to over-extend yourself since you might end up people-pleasing and sacrificing your needs just to hold onto certain relationships that may be at a stand-still at this time. You have been through intense phases of transformation with major endings and upheavals recently. 

You might still be recovering from the loses and sudden changes. Since you are currently wrapping up old cycles and beginning new ones, you are likely to feel exhausted and energetically drained quite often. Taking adequate rest, resetting your thought-patterns & letting go of anything that is ending will be hard yet vital for your spiritual & mental peace. Hence, self-care & some alone time will help you recharge to find your emotional balance. Your career & public life might be amping up inducing anxiety with more responsibilities. You might even feel challenged to take on leadership roles but you will also have to remember how intensely capable you are, Taurus. You have all the skills and natural charisma, not to mention incredible work-ethic. So, overcoming initial fears & insecurities will help you a great deal this week. You might be having a hard time reconciling your feelings about certain truths that recent events & changes may have bought up. 

Your belief system and world-view seem to be a little shaken up. This can cause you a lot more stress & even anxiety attacks. So, it may be best to not let old memories or people to get you out of character. You will be compelled to uphold your integrity when triggered, but others might see it more as a display of pride & ego rather than a natural defense mechanism. You might have to be a lot more patient when expressing your emotions, where being true to yourself and your feelings may not always be appreciated but will have to be honored none-the-less. So, you don’t have to worry about others’ interpretations of your feelings. You are gaining back your optimism and zest for life Taurus, after what seemed like a long and lonesome journey of healing. This week, make sure to have plenty of rest and map out plans for your future, since the energy is gaining momentum, with great things to look froward to.

Tags: AstrologyGeneralHoroscopes 2023July HoroscopesTaurusTaurus HoroscopeWeekly HoroscopeWeekly Horoscope 2023

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