Aquarius Super Full Moon and the decisive Grand Cross in the Fixed Signs Aug 19, 2024 Transit Astrology
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A Super Moon in Aquarius takes place at 27º Opposing Sun & Retrograde Mercury in Leo, Squaring Uranus in Taurus, along with special guests, Pallas Athena in Scorpio 24º & Vesta in Leo 27º. Hence, a Grand Cross in the Fixed Signs gets activated right after the recent Grand Cross in Mutable Signs on Aug 14, 2024. This Super Moon will indeed be extra potent and powerful, bringing us closer to our inner truth and higher path not just individually but also as a collective. 

With the Super Moon primarily affecting Aquarius Moon & Leo Sun (+ Mercury), we will feel particularly challenged with regards to our Higher Ideals vs. our Inner Passions, Ego vs. the Greater Mind, etc. Balancing your social life & private life will seem important. You might even feel excited to go on vacation & get-to-gathers just to end up feeling that you need more alone-time. Although, friendships & romantic relationships will need your attention. You are likely to enjoy a good time with your loved ones. There may be arguments & small disagreements here & there. Ego-clashes will be common for the next few days. Try your best to be as diplomatic as possible, if anything, you won’t be able to stand down on your opinions yet you can try to smooth out any misunderstandings if you feel compelled to.

Vesta in Leo has been directing our devotion inward through her transit so far. Harness your latent talents around this time, especially if you are building a foundation based on your skills. You will feel more in-tune with your natural desires & passions. This can also help you stay grounded while you reach for the stars. You will be able to cultivate a healthy ego even when you are faced with challenges. Sparks of inspiration & insight can ignite your passions easily, now more than ever. Pallas in Scorpio has been helping us to stand up for our beliefs relentlessly. Our inner world has been under re-construction (so to speak), with transformations of our pain & sorrow. Moving beyond grief, betrayal, anger & revenge is being facilitated for our own healing right now. 

Although, with Pallas Square Vesta, and Uranus forming a T-Square, this is grounds for easy radicalization of our thoughts, feelings & opinions. We might demand justice, take things into our own hands, or at least try to avenge (both in issues of the past & present; in our own lives & others dear to us). This Super (Full) Moon in Aquarius will hence awaken ‘the Sacred Hero’ within all of us. Whether we wish to fight for justice or try to re-stabilize major issues, our instinct will be to seek fairness and to be a savior with all the right motives.

Collectively, we will hence see Activism, even a Revolution (no matter how big or small) happening by the will of people, communities & society as a whole. Shakeups that may be subtle or hair-raising will wake us all up to take action. Instability especially in the way society, culture, institutions & governments function can create an atmosphere of extreme paranoia yet a sudden need for unprecedented change (with Uranus, it’s likely “by any means necessary”). Taking a step back and rationalizing the problems at hand to find adequate solutions can become difficult. This can hence be considered as the Dawn of a new era, which leads to more turmoil before simmering down to a peaceful & prosperous future.

Even beliefs that you thought were true may cause you to slowly change your opinions. This is especially true when it comes to complexities like religion, spirituality, morality, etc. Revelations & epiphanies can shake your belief systems yet they can lead you towards higher truth. Truth is being broken down into pieces, while the lies that surround it dissolves slowly. So, we might be tasked with picking up the right pieces to complete the puzzle, make it whole again. Since, this is a decisive time where we will see the reality setting in, clear as day. This Full Moon will hence also help us connect to our most authentic self, which will make us be wary of anything & anyone that isn’t coming from a genuine place.

This is one of those times where you will have to trust your intuition more than ever. Saturn x Uranus x Pluto x Jupiter are making everything quite apparent at this time. So, even if you feel lost without vital information in the midst of serious issues, you will be able to find the right path & catch on the right details in time. Revolutionary Uranus & Pluto’s team up in Taurus & Aquarius is restructuring our society from its roots. This is however a glimpse of what Pluto’s Transit in Aquarius is here to do. In our personal life, we can see this play out in ways both conscious & subconscious. We will feel compelled to take a deeper look at our everyday lives and how we envision our future. We will be called to make shifts in our practical lives to align ourselves with our biggest dreams. So, this Super Full Moon can easily make us extra ambitious, in building a long-standing legacy in our lives, especially focusing on long-term goals. 

Even while interpreting these crucial Astrological Skies in the past few days, I can understand how blurred ‘the line between global & personal experiences’ has become. Everything happening in your life is likely being impacted by what is happening in your neighborhood, locality, state or country, so this is a collective experience for all of us. Even if you are not following the news or avoiding getting sucked into the mayhem of the world events, this period in time can make it harder for you not to. Saturn x Jupiter form their First Perfect Square also on this Super Moon, so I hope we all stay updated on all kinds of events & news but also to take a step back without jumping to conclusions. Since, public & society in general, we are all on edge in one way or another (mostly rightfully).

This Aquarius Full Moon hence will demonstrate in its entirety as to how powerful people are, hence laying a foundation to how Pluto’s Ingress in Aquarius can play out for the next 20 years. It is not the government, institution, military, business, or bank, but the people hold the Real Power, they always have and now they are waking up to it. That is also the reason why we must be careful not to get radicalized even if we are coming from the right place. So, any distraction, division based on hatred or fear will only backfire on every hierarchy of societal system, when they go against the well-being of people. Sounds Revolutionary right?!? Well, it is what it is. Pluto in Aquarius is often unapologetic that way.

Hence, get ready for some unexpected changes within yourself, that might even hit you like a divine lightening bolt, awakening you to your true potential. There will be a natural calling towards your passions, fueled not only by your desires but also by your highest ideals. Any internal fear, insecurity & inadequacy can only stop you for so long, before you burst through those obstacles of self-doubt & lack. Your self-confidence will boost your ambitious drive, your world-view will become clearer and more firmer. 

This is indeed a new world that we are walking into, but we have to dismantle some old & outdated structures that have been inhibiting our progress (both societally & personally). So, expect incredible changes to take place throughout this month which will pave the way forward. Uranus can bring chaos to restore order and Pluto can dismantle to help us rebuild on the foundations of Truth & Righteousness. I only pray that we stay stronger together & aware, to reinvent our individual lives and our society for a better future. If you have Natal Placements in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Pisces & Gemini, 🫂 you are especially tasked with staying balanced through the unprecedented changes happening in your life. Let’s try our best to ride this Crazy Astrological Wave of Energy as safely & as rationally as possible. 🤍

Tags: Aquarius Full MoonAstrologyFixed SignsFull Moon 2024Grand CrossGrand T SquareSuper Full MoonTransit AstrologyTransits 2024

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