July 2024 Transits

July 2 to Dec 7, 2024

Neptune Retrograde
in Pisces 29° 🕊️✨

Time for deep-introspection & Self-reflection. Facing fears & insecurities with honesty. Temporary phase of heightened confusion followed by a gradual shift in perception. Clarity shines a light on confusing & convoluted situations. Need for grounding. 🪴 Deceptions can come to light.

Masks can fall naturally, 🎭 where ppl who usually operate with ulterior motives expose their true intentions. Great time to untangle oneself from puzzling (seemingly never-ending) situations/cycles. Ending major cycles/patterns that don’t serve your highest good. Shift towards spirituality, that connects you to your true self.

Higher perspective & emotional maturity. 🐱 Focus on adequate rest & good health. Working on mental & emotional wellbeing. Finding peace in your life path. More energy spent to focus on productivity without many distractions. Careful dealing with people/situations that seem to draw you into negative cycles/patterns of behaviors that you have outgrown. Important time for significant soul evolution. 🌈

July 2, 2024

Mercury Enters

July 5, 2024

New Moon in
Cancer 14° 🪺✨

Positive mindset. Emotional Liberation from previously restrictive & painful situations/relationships. 😇 Calming Internal Chaos. An unexplainable rush to go after your ideal goals can cause slight anxiety. Resolutions & clarity on stressful situations. Healing (starting to) from Ancestral Trauma. 🐣 (Beginning a journey) Breaking Ancestral Patterns/Cycles. Internal Peace & Tranquility Restores gradually. Focus on healthy foundations through family, home & personal relationships. Fond Childhood Memories & revisiting childhood dreams/ambitions.

Starting projects/businesses that bring joy & sense of stability. ❤️‍🔥 Progress in heart-based goals. Happy occasions & time spent with family/friends. Relax & take one step at a time if you are feeling overwhelmed by both the positive prospects & the potential hiccups ahead. Restful times & simultaneous preparations for big plans. 🌱

July 11, 2024

Venus moves
into Leo

July 12, 2024

Jupiter Sextile
North Node

July 15, 2024

Mars & Uranus
Conjunction in Taurus 26° ⚡️✨

Great Positive Changes ignited by Intense Inner Passions.

Mars and Uranus join forces in Taurus at 26° on July 15, 2024 making it their last Conjunction in Taurus together. Mars will start a two-year cycle with Uranus, marking the beginnings & completions of major projects, mainly tangible & practical in nature. The Conjunction also happens with Algol, the infamous Fixed Star of Disaster & Misfortune. This Conjunction will hence create a sense of panic and sets off negative events which later lead to a much brighter & prosperous future.

Mars Conjunct Uranus
in Taurus 26° along with Algol ❤️‍🩹✨

This can be a powerful time of personal reinvention & soul growth. Past can come to haunt you, even hurt your feelings deeper than before, things that you haven’t thought about in a long long time can resurface now (Pluto in Rx Trine to MxU). This can drudge up feelings of anger, fear, pain & sorrow. It can prompt you to seek revenge or find some sort of resolution for the injustices you may have suffered. But, allow yourself to sit in those feelings of discomfort & betrayal (even if you blame nobody else but yourself or life or God). ❤️‍🩹

You might just realize that you are no longer the person you were once upon a time, where all this pain can’t hurt you the same way it used to before. Embrace this feeling of a slight disconnection to your past, it is a sign that you are already transforming into a new You. You will start to feel comfortable in not allowing old trauma & pain to hurt you the same way anymore; you are moving way beyond. 💝

Use this positively powerful energy to propel yourself into the version of yourself that is stronger, wiser & happier. The version that your future-self needs, that can lead you to your future-life which you deserve to live & enjoy. So, this is a great time for Reinvention, breaking from the chains of trauma and sorrow, taking your Power back from your past, and certainly moving beyond your fears & limitations. ❤️‍🔥

July 20, 2024

Mars Enters

July 21, 2024

Full Moon in
Capricorn 29° 🌕♑️

A fabulous close to Major Cycles in the next few weeks. Really long, old & tiresome Karmic Cycles will slowly but surely come to an end (this process can take till Nov, 2024 to fully culminate). Painful memories, trauma & regrets will resurface during the process but no matter how small or big the issue, you will be able to find peace & comfort. Surrender to the process of releasing Karmic Ties to the past that no longer serve you. 🌻

People & situations from the past can resurface now as well, this can provide you with the chance to fully release them from your life if that’s what you are intuitively guided to do. 🌬️ Many things from the past that don’t serve a purpose in your life anymore will be lost to this time and perhaps released from your life once & for all (thanks to Pluto in Rx Conjunct this Full Moon). Rest & recover from mental/physical exhaustion.

Completion of major projects and beginning brand new ones. There is an intense drive to find stability, consistency and to move forward with pride & passion. New outlook on life will likely fire you up for a whole new start. Embracing the changes and going with the flow. Exciting new beginnings. Hope & Inner Peace restored. Excellent time for fresh starts and redirection towards your true ambitions, embracing your potential & passions. 🔥

July 22, 2024

Sun's Ingress
into Leo

July 25, 2024

Mercury's Ingress
into Virgo

July 26 to Dec 29, 2024

Chiron Retrograde
in Aries 23° ❤️‍🩹✨

Personal Transformation. Self-Actualization. Unique opportunities to face your own inhibitions. Crossing the boundaries of your own restrictions. Liberating from limiting self-beliefs. New leaps in personal healing. Healing the Inner Masculine through the Balance of the Inner Feminine. ☯️

Course corrections, both conscious & divinely guided. There may be regrets from the past with regards to the things you would have done or wanted to do, but couldn’t for various reasons. Second chances may appear to go after your True Passions that you missed out on before. But, careful with trying to fix situations just to feel like you did your best now, find peace with the past and focus on the present. 💞 Make sure you are not repeating mistakes from the past when you are starting over again or planning to do something you are Passionate about. Believe that your past has prepared you for the Goals that you feel guided towards. There is so much wisdom that you can tap into within yourself now. 🌿

This is a wonderful time for therapy, physical healing & recovery. Become more proactive in your day to day life especially if you have felt lethargic lately. Make minor adjustments to your lifestyle. This can be a great way to focus on your goals & ambitions more productively. Be compassionate towards yourself. Draw in from your inner power and natural courage, you can face your fears & insecurities, you can defeat any obstacle in your way. 🐲


Pluto, Neptune & Saturn Rx
throughout the Month

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