June 2024 Transits

June 3, 2024

Mercury's Ingress
in Gemini

June 6, 2024

New Moon in
Gemini 16° 🌼✨

Venus Conjunct Sun is activated. Joyful times for your inner child. 🐣 Indulge in anything that can reconnect you to your younger years. Hobbies, interests, skills, etc. Read books, write journals, sketch out, a short drive around the town, etc. to better invoke this energy. Explore your conscious mind. Boost in social life. Writers, artists & creatives will likely make the most out of this 🌑.

Wonderful insights & Brilliant ideas. Restless yet Still. 🐹 Try your best to take care of tasks one at a time. Exceptional times ahead for any project/business that mainly involves your skills and/or a team of people. Productive, Creative & Prosperous. 🐥

June 9, 2024

Mars moves
into Taurus

June 12 - 29, 2024

Neptune, Lilith &
Sun, Mercury T-Square 🐭✨

Tricky times. Caution with all kinds of contracts & documentations (especially relating to work & legalities). Careful with people trying to get more information from you to use it against you or to gain something later on. Careful when giving or accepting help to/from ppl that you might not know very well or that you don’t completely trust. Sneaky energy all throughout this month. 🌫️

Very important to stay vigilant of theft, health scares, or even hacking. 👀 Solidify your conscious mind, be firm in your belief systems and try your best not to fall for others’ manipulation, since that will be very prevalent. Especially if you already know the kind of people & environment you are dealing with. It will all be just fine and not too dangerous, since these things are not that difficult to identify. But, it can cause a lot of confusion and anxiety nonetheless.

Also, it’s best not to get involved in gossiping, there can be a lot of misinformation in whatever you get to hear. 🤨 (Again, if you already know the kind of people you are dealing with, this won’t come as a surprise at all, so nothing to worry much about.) Vigilance & Caution. Be a 🦊 around sneaky people. Take good care of your health, mental & physical exhaustion can lead to severe issues all of a sudden.

June 17, 2024

Venus moves
into Cancer

June 17, 2024

Mercury moves
into Cancer

June 20, 2024

Sun enters

June 22, 2024

Full Moon🍓✨

Resolutions to practical matters. At least, the beginning signs of endings to major projects & issues alike. Critical thinking & analytical solutions. A clash of the past and the future. Full Moon breaks stalemates & stagnancy in key areas. But, it can also ruffle some feathers easily. Take extra care of your health, mentally, emotionally & physically. Exhaustion can set in very quickly. Choose to take the higher road.

This Cancer season, we will have two Capi Full Moons, so expect major endings and special new beginnings. Legacy will occupy a huge part of your thoughts, whether it is with or without your family. Completing one goal to begin another. Clear perspectives can be hard to establish for now (T-Square effect), but you will soon find your clarity, a satisfying one by the next Capi Full Moon.

Stay grounded & rested. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Everything is falling into place, we can’t see it just yet. Trust in the intricate workings of the universe. Take pride in the path you have travelled and get ready to embark on a new journey.

Happy Summer Solstice, everyone

June 29 to Nov 15, 2024

Saturn Retrograde
in Pisces 🗝️✨

Rebalancing Karma, ☯️ Re-Stabilizing Life.

Auspicious time to naturally end old cycles & begin anew. Major endings in tough cycles & life lessons (especially karmic). Donations & other such charities can bring a sense of spiritual gratification. This can also mean that we need to “clean house” in our life. 🧹 Likewise, tying up loose ends in certain situations can prove to be counterproductive if we haven’t fully learnt the lessons &/or we aren’t being honest about the situation.

Retrogrades 2024

Pluto & Saturn Rx

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