Sept 1, 2024 - Jan 25, 2025

Uranus Stations Retrograde
in Taurus 🐉✨

Uranus Rx in the sign of Taurus always highlights the areas in our life that need change. So, during the next 4 months, you are likely to feel a hint of dissatisfaction in some of those areas in your life (pay attention to which house Taurus is in & Uranus is transiting in your Natal Chart). That hint can either be a small yet nagging feeling, or it can be a sudden jolt of realization. ⚡️ In general, we will be compelled to take our financial & professional lives more seriously. You might wish to make sudden changes to your career or stumble upon a better investment.

Either way, you will know if this is Uranus’s Intuitive nudge or the Saturn x Jupiter Square tension creating anxiety within you. So, it is recommended to take your time in confirming with yourself and to use discernment before making sudden changes (highly highly recommended). Overall, since this will be the last to second Rx for Uranus in Taurus, you will feel the deep urge to make haste and complete certain projects that you might have been working on over the last few years. 🪭 Allow things to slow down to re-evaluate progress. This period will give us the opportunity to go over some of the details that we may have missed and to make modifications to our plans.

This Rx will be especially significant if you have been working on your self-worth/image issues, financial improvements, and career/stability related projects. 🪽 You might also be able to see the finish line at sight. There’re great rewards waiting for all the hard work & sudden twists in the road that taught us how to transform unpredictability into certain success. 🐉

September 2, 2024

Pluto Retrogrades
back into Capricorn 29°
One-Last-Time 🐦‍🔥✨

Things come full circle. It’s almost as if we have been waiting to revisit certain things in our past just for a brief moment. 🪻 Major endings, closing massive cycles & transforming through great changes. The next two months will be cathartic to say the least. Fears, sorrow, remorse, and even anguish from the past can resurface to be cleared out once and for all.

Excellent time for a deep purge. Concluding inner shadow work. Retrieving a wealth of wisdom from past experiences. Healing. ❤️‍🩹 Regaining your personal Power. Dismantling restrictive & dead-end systems in your life that have held you back in your past. 💗 Finding peace within. Moving forward towards a whole new life. Leaving behind things/places/people that you have outgrown. Deciding what/who can still walk with you into the new chapter. Major realizations and transcending past traumatic experiences.

This can be a particularly challenging time for your mental health, so be sure to let your loving support systems to help you when you most need it. Breaking free from the mental prison of fear, shame, guilt, etc. Stay strong, and know that you can tap into your inner resilience to overcome any obstacle (within/without). Be proud of your journey through the last decade in particular. A true Phoenix Rising from the Ashes kind of Spiritual Awakening. 🐦‍🔥

September 3, 2024

New Moon
in Virgo 11° 🎀🌑

Extreme self-criticism. Hyper sensitivity, especially to your surroundings. Susceptible to Psychic Attacks. Collective angst. High anxiety. Intrusive negative thoughts. Fears & Paranoia. Take extra care of your mental health right now, avoid stressful situations, people, environment, etc. for a few days. Take breaks periodically. 🧸

Humility and integrity can take you farther than ever before, even in tense situations, try your best to seek a healthy compromise. 🎀 Temporary setbacks. Connect to your loved ones for a sense of comfort & ease. This can also highlight areas of your life where there may have been a deep sense of imbalance building up quietly in the past few months. Handle stressful responsibilities one at a time.

Good time for self-reflection, but also for self-compassion. 💗 Breakthroughs in personal issues. Making new and improved plans for the future. Take account of your resources, choices & opportunities. New beginnings in health & lifestyle choices. Aspiration to seek new frontiers in career & finances. 💰 Grounding and inner growth.

September 4, 2024

Mars Transits
into Cancer

September 9, 2024

Mercury re-enters
into Virgo

September 17, 2024

Partial Lunar Eclipse
in Pisces 25°

September 18, 2024

Full Moon
in Pisces

September 22, 2024

Sun enters

Libra Season Begins

September 23 2024

Venus enters

September 26, 2024

Mercury Transits
in Libra


Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Chiron Rx
throughout the Month

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